Aqueous Sludge Gasification Technology Feasibility & Impact Study
Sludge generation in the United States is increasing, with recent estimates at 11.3 million dry tons of sewage and paper mill sludge produced per year, while disposal options are limited. Municipalities and companies are under increasing pressure by the public and regulating agencies to become more energy, waste, and cost efficient in their sludge management methods, as well as reducing their overall facility GHG emissions and energy usage.
A potentially viable solution to these issues can be found through the process of gasification. When properly configured, sludge gasification is capable of delivering net energy gains while reducing environmental impacts when compared to conventional management practices.
350Solutions staff performed an assessment of the state of the art and commercial viability of sludge gasification technologies, identifying the pros and cons of sludge gasification and its environmental impacts, costs, and efficiency in converting sludge into usable fuels. Although promising, the review determined that the technology is still in a very early commercial stage, with a need for the development of significantly more data as new technologies are commercialized.
Project Details
- Client : U.S. EPA
- Period : 2010-2011
- Project Type : Evaluation
- Scale : Commercial
Important Points
- 42 Technologies reviewed
- 7 viable technologies identified
- Need for additional technology development discerned