Findings from the first round of our study, Design and Modeling of Hybrid Energy Storage Enabled Microgrids for DOD Installations, that we are completing with Arizona State University under the DoD SERDP & ESTCP program will be included in upcoming free ESTCP webinar. Join to learn about the our first round findings and how our research relates to other key projects being completed under SERDP & ESTCP battery and resiliency focus.
The webinar will review storage resiliency results from detailed simulations that several leading microgrid companies performed using realistic installation data under contract to ESTCP. The goals of the webinar are to (i) highlight battery and installation characteristics associated with the best resiliency and economic outcomes, and (ii) encourage interest for field demonstration of the most promising resiliency applications of batteries in microgrids as this ESTCP research and development program advances.
Battery Storage Resiliency Results from Installation Microgrid Simulations and Opportunities for Field Demonstration
February 6, 2020
12:00 PM ET