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Air Pollution

350Solutions Completes Carbon Utilization Verification for Dimensional Energy Technology

350Solutions has issued an ISO 14034: 2016 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Statement for Dimensional Energy’s solar thermal-catalytic reactor. Dimensional Energy’s technology utilizes CO2 and H2 to produce a syngas mixture. Syngas can then be used as a feedstock for further processing into a variety of chemicals and products, including diesel or aviation fuels. The Dimensional Energy process utilizes sunlight exclusively for reactor energy input, with solar tracking and reactor controls automated through a PLC and proprietary software program.

350Solutions Completes Verification of InnoTech Alberta Inc.’s Carbon Capture System

The ASCO Carbon Dioxide, Inc. and HTC Extraction Systems carbon capture technology operates at the Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Center. The verification marks the world’s first ISO 14034 ETV conformant verification for a carbon capture technology. Raleigh, North Carolina (May 13, 2021) – 350Solutions is pleased to announce the completion of the first carbon capture […]

Project by the Numbers: NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE

Tim Hansen, Founder and CEO, sat down today for a Project by the Numbers debrief to talk about some of the impressive numbers behind the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE competition and 350Solutions role as the official verifiers for the competition. Click here to read more about the project. Q. What is verification as it relates […]

350Solutions Completes First Accredited ISO 14034:2016 Environmental Technology Verification in North America

350Solutions is pleased the announce that they have completed the company’s first ISO 14034: 2016 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) for select models of Questor Technology Inc. Clean Combustion Thermal Oxidizers. This project completion also marks the first time the International Standard Organization’s (ISO) standard has been applied within the oil and gas industry on a global scale, signifying potential for adoption of the environmentally-focused standard across industries.

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