Verification Application for Phase 1 of the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Competition

Congratulations on entering the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition. 350Solutions is ready to work with teams competing in Phase 1 of the XPRIZE competition, providing independent, third-party verification of carbon removal technologies and processes, as well as engineering and consulting support. As the lead independent technology verifier for the previous NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, we are familiar with the competition format and technology verification needs, are independently accredited to provide third-party technology verification and work with technology developers throughout all stages of development.

To begin discussions about the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Phase 1 verification process or to inquire about other assistance or needs for Phase 1 of the competition, please complete the form below. A 350Solutions team member will reach out to you within 48 hours to discuss options for verification. 


For frequently asked questions related to Phase 1 verification or additional services provided by 350Solutions, check our FAQ. If you need further assistance, please email us at

Drop your files here or click here to upload You can upload up to 3 files.


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