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350Solutions Finalizes Certifications to Conduct ISO 14034 ETVs Through the Year 2022

Raleigh, NC (October 22, 2020) – 350Solutions has successfully renewed their ISO 14034:2016 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) and ISO 17020:2012 accreditations. These accreditations affirm that 350Solutions is qualified to provide independent, third-party inspections of the actual impact of environmental technologies and processes. 350Solutions remains the only company in North America certified to perform ISO 14034 ETVs, according to the globally recognized standard outlined by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

The ISO 14034 ETV standard can be applied to energy technologies; cleaner production and processes; air pollution, monitoring and abatement; and water monitoring and treatment. An evaluation under ISO 14034 ETV provides the technology or process with a third-party, verified analysis of their environmental impact – a valuable set of information that can set a technology apart, reduce risk for investors, and allow for smoother entries into international markets or new industry channels.

Thus far, 350Solutions has completed two ISO 14034 ETVs, one in the area of air pollution for Questor Technology Inc.’s Clean Combustion Thermal Oxidizers technology which also marked the first time a full accreditation had been completed globally in the oil and gas sector. The second ETV 350Solutions completed was Nalco Water’s Rapid Bio Intelligence assay technology, under the field of water monitoring and treatment, marking the first time a fully accredited ISO 14034 ETV for water monitoring had been completed in North America.

Currently, 350Solutions is working with Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), the Department of Defense’s (DoD) environmental technology demonstration and validation program. The project will evaluate, demonstrate, educate, and work to implement the global ISO 14034 ETV protocol as part of the ESTCP standard demonstration project process. The ultimate goals of the project are to reduce risk and enable decision-making regarding implementation of new innovations thereby increasing technology transition and uptake within the DoD and other international markets.

350Solutions accreditation was approved by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and is valid through September 2022. To read more about the company’s inspection and verification capabilities and view the certificate of accreditation, click here.

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