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350Solutions Completes Carbon Utilization Verification for Dimensional Energy Technology

  • The verification was done in accordance with the globally accepted ISO 14034 Environmental Technology Verification protocol.
  • Marks the first solar-driven carbon utilization technology to be verified under the ISO 14034 protocol in the world.

Raleigh, North Carolina (June 2, 2021) – 350Solutions has issued an ISO 14034: 2016 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Statement for Dimensional Energy’s solar thermal-catalytic reactor. Dimensional Energy’s technology utilizes CO2 and H2 to produce a syngas mixture. Syngas can then be used as a feedstock for further processing into a variety of chemicals and products, including diesel or aviation fuels.  The Dimensional Energy process utilizes sunlight exclusively for reactor energy input, with solar tracking and reactor controls automated through a PLC and proprietary software program.  

“350Solutions is happy to issue the first ISO 14034 verification for a solar-driven CO2 utilization technology, verifying the capability to produce a valuable chemical feedstock utilizing sunlight, CO2 from power plant flue gas, and hydrogen,” said Tim Hansen, Founder and CEO of 350Solutions.  “As the carbon and clean technology industry continues to address greenhouse gas mitigation and carbon reductions, knowing which out of hundreds of technologies being developed and invested in work, or how well they perform at current development stage can help ensure investment in and deployment of impactful solutions. “

350Solutions has verified the technology according to ISO 14034:2016 ETV and a technology specific verification plan that was developed in conjunction with the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE competition, demonstrating the conversion of CO2 into useful and valuable products. The verification provides Dimensional Energy and potential users of the technology with an independent assessment and verification of performance of the technology, demonstrating 40.2% CO2 conversion at a scale of 13.8 kgCO2/day input. 350Solutions verified Dimensional Energy’s technology according to six additional parameters including: operational scale, CO2 embodied in product, product gas production, CO2 conversion efficiency, H2 usage, energy usage, and water usage.

350Solutions is currently the only company in North America to be fully accredited under ISO 17020: 2012 to perform ISO 14034 ETVs in a standardized fashion. In addition to performing clean technology and carbon technology verifications, 350Solutions performs technology evaluations, demonstrations, and research, as well as provides technology development, project management, and proposal development support for companies developing clean technologies and interested investors.  

Click here to access the verification statement and read more about the project.

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